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Last updated: 30th December 2024

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Introduction to Bangladesh Institute of Glass and Ceramics


  • Institution Name: Bangladesh Institute of Glass and Ceramics
  • Institution Code: 50003
  • Type: Government
  • Established: 1951 AD
  • Directorate: Directorate of Technical Education, Dhaka.
  • Board: Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka.
  • Ministry: Ministry of Education (Division of Technical and Madrasa Education)
  • Course: Diploma-in-Engineering (4 years duration)
  • Teachers/Officers: 19 (permanent), 02 on project and 10 part-time
  • Students: Approximately nine hundred (900)
  • 23.757979° North 90.399341° East 95, Shaheed Taj Uddin Ahmed Sarani, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka - 1208, Bangladesh
  • Employees: 24 (permanent), 10 master roll
  • Short name: BIGC
  • Land area: 20 acres (approx.)
  • Classrooms: 12
  • Workshops: 6
  • Labs: 12
  • Library: 1
  • Job Placement Cell: 1
  • ICT Cell: 1
  • Rover Scouts: 2 Unit
  • Hostel: 01
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website: https://bigc.polytech.gov.bd
  • Phone: +8802-222242674
  • Transportation: Microbus 1.

Location of the Institute:
Rajdhani Dhaka, 95, Shaheed Taj Uddin Ahmed Sarani, Tejgaon Industrial Area. To the north of it is Dhaka Polytechnic Institute, Bangladesh Textile University, to the west is Dhaka-Tongi Highway.

The main campus has a two-storey administrative building and an academic cum workshop building. There are offices, libraries, modern equipment-rich labs, workshops, and separate common rooms for male and female students. There is Shahid Minar inside the campus. The principal's residence, teachers' and other staff quarters are located within the campus. The campus is covered in greenery with various types of trees such as mango, jackfruit, guava, coconut, betel nut, forest and medicinal trees throughout the residential area of ​​the campus.

Technology / Departments:

  • Ceramics
  • Glass
  • Non-Tech

For boys: White shirt, black pants, black shoes, white Punjabi.
For girls: White shirt, black salwar, black shoes, white veil, black burqa/white apron.

Academic Activities:

There are 02 technologies operating at Bangladesh Institute of Glass and Ceramics under the Bangladesh Technical Education Board under the Directorate of Technical Education. The technologies have been determined considering the time-appropriate and domestic and foreign technological needs. Under the Diploma-in-Engineering curriculum, the technologies are run in 8 phases of 4 years duration in 2 shifts (1st and 2nd shift). The details are presented below:

First Shift Second Shift
Ceramics, 1st Part, 1st Shift (Group: A, B) Ceramics, 1st Part, 2nd Shift (Group: A, B )
Glass, 1st Part. 1st Shift (Group: A, B ) Glass, 1st Part 2nd Shift (Group: A, B )

That is, in the 1st semester (phase), 08 groups of classes are held in 02 technologies in 1st and 2nd shifts. There are a total of 200 seats for admission in 1st/2nd shift in 1st phase. According to the 2022 regulations, the Directorate of Technical Education completes the admission process of centrally selected students on the basis of merit and CGPA obtained in SSC and sends them to each government polytechnic institute.

In this era of information technology, in order to move the country and the nation forward in line with the current world, unprecedented progress is being made in the quality improvement, promotion and examination system of technical education under the strong role of the current government. Above all, if this stream of technical education is properly managed, the large youth of Bangladesh will become skilled public resources, that is, human resources, a hunger-free, poverty-free and discrimination-free society will be built, and the country will be prosperous.